Wednesday, May 18, 2011

latest updates,

Here are some of our latest updates, we are happy to report JP is doing great, radio graphs today showed a huge difference, he is healing well, he is now is a less rigid shoe. He will now get limited periods of time where he is out of his 12x12 stall. we will post his new pictures when they are available.

The quarantine period for our 2 joint rescues Bo and Jax are half way completed. Both boys looking good, behaving well for the farrier, but not impressed with their pyrantel. Our 4 Lone Oak horses are doing well. all have adjusted well to regular feeds, our big boy Jester loves his mash, as do Rosa and Queenie.

Pearl and Peppy have adjusted to being in a herd, still sticking pretty close to each other, but allowing there to be separation. Peppy was taken on a short ride and proved to be a very sensitive boy, behaving well being ridden in western bosal. He seemed to enjoy the ride, stepping out with energy, his ears perked up, living up to his name "Peppy"

There are current inquiries on several horses, including Lordy, Peppy, JD, Jake, and Keeva. We hope to place several soon allowing us help more at risk.