Saturday, August 13, 2011

latest happenings...

It seemed like summer was never going to arrive and now August is here and soon to be half over... and our summer feels like it has come and gone. We were not able to hold our volunteer days as we have in the past but hope to be back on track soon. It may have seemed like a quiet summer for our volunteers, but behind the scenes is anything but quiet. Being a small rescue there is but a few of us who tend to the many tasks required for running a rescue. Couple hectic personal lives and busy jobs with two computer crashes and a few ranch crisis' and you have more tasks than there are minutes to put them in. Once again I have to thank Joy, Savanah, Vicki and Joey for your help in keeping things running smoothly while Mesha and I juggle.

We are not currently taking in new horses so that we can focus on recovery, training and placement of our current horses. We do maintain a safety net for our placed horses.

Some of our horses are still in process of recovery, others ready and looking for their forever homes. To help in that end we have 3 horses out in training with Dina Cabral, they are Jake, Mia and Kay.

Jake has done very well and will be back at the rescue this next week where he will continue to be ridden frequently. Please check out his videos on our Facebook page. For those of you who met the spooky boy he was when he first came to us, you will be amazed at him now. At one time we couldn't take a glove off around him and now here he is with ropes flying around him and he simply stands there. It goes to show what time and patience do to heal. He is available for adoption.

Mia is now under saddle and as expected with a newly started horse, will take a little longer before she is ready, but progressing well in her training.

Kay has done amazing, she is under saddle and she is showing a more gentle and willing attitude. She is a sweetheart and does love the attention.

Mia and Kay are both available for adoption post training, adoption applications can be made prior to their completion. Watch for videos of their training on our Facebook page.

There is availability for additional training for both of these mares as well as any of our horses through their current trainer. Watch for more information and availability for open training opportunities with Dina.

Our next scheduled horse for refreshing his training is Shadow, Shadow is a younger Arabian gelding, he is suited for an experienced rider who knows the Arabian breed. Shadow is well broke, but has not had regular riding these past few months.

Photos of the progress of our recovering horses will be coming soon, they need to be recovered from the crashed computer. We are happy to say that all are progressing well towards a healthy normal state with great spirits. If you would like to be a sponsor home for one of our horses still in recovery, please contact us. Also needed are retirement homes for Rosa and Jester. These two do love each other and would do well placed together.

If you are interested in adoption, or sponsoring training or recovery of any of our horses please contact us. Sponsorship costs are eligible as tax deductible items, as are donations of tack, feed and of course monetary donations.