Sunday, September 30, 2012

September 30 2012

I just can't beleive the month has past already... October is upon us and soon the rains will follow, A blessing and a curse... we need the rain, and for the grass to be plentiful, but without all of our shelters or sand and gravel in place we will be in quite the mess. If you are able to help with a donation of any building materials, sand, gravel or able to help lend a hand please contact us as soon as possible.
The days are filled with unlimited projects, I am very grateful for my family who is able to be working maintaining the ranch and working on the many projects while I work on the incoming funds. This year is the most difficult, setting up so we can move ahead with more rescue and training of current horses.
We desperatly need donations for feed and vaccinations. In efforts to raise funds we are collecting items for our silent auction, please donate an item, service or gift certificate if able. We want to hold the auction in the upcoming weeks. Even the small items add up, all funds raised will go towards our feed bill for this winter.
At this time we are buying a small load at a time, funds simply do not allow for a large purchase, so the need is ongoing.
Please watch our facebook for frequent update and pictures of our horses. As always we are open to sponsors and fosters, If you cannot adopt please consider fostering or donating, every dollar helps. Remember that any donation to the rescue is tax deductable, and thank you so much for your support.

Saturday, September 15, 2012

September 15 2012

The summer has flown by and here we are in the middle of September already. Much work has been done at the new home of Lone Oak, the clean up continues along with the construction of our buildings. We are currently completing the reassembly of both our 4 and 8 stall barns, and getting quotes on permanent pens and a "solid" training round pen. Taking on horses with little to no handling has required us to rethink some of our current pens both for animal and trainers safety. Our future plans include 2 round pens and a large arena for exercise and training. We are needing to have additional shelters built before winter weather arrives, if you are interested in helping us complete additional projects, please let us know, as we are always in need of volunteers.

I am very excited to welcome Patricia Vallentyne to our rescue, she will serve as our newest board member. Patricia is a very experienced horsewoman who specializes in natural horsemanship and training. In addition to working with our horses, she will be a valuable resource in assessing both training and general temperments prior to adoption. Currently we have several horses who need complete or continued training and are excited to have the extra hands to evaluate and prepare them for adoption.

If you have an interest in working with the rescue behind the scenes please contact us, we are always looking for experienced individuals who are looking to make a difference, especially needed are those who want to help us fundraise and to write grand proposals.

Our rescue currently has several new horses, some who are ready for adoption others who need time to recover, and a couple who will stay here at Lone Oak as permenant residents
Our permenant residents horses are now at 5 and we have 21 others on site or in sponsorship who are for adoption, of those horses we have two pending adoptions.
We are looking for permenant placements and sponsorship/foster for as many of our horses as possible before the winter weather arrives, if you are interested in adoption or sponsorship please contact us.

With 26 horses to care for we are needing help with our biggest expense of feed. Please help with your donations,as every dollar helps. Of course donations of any type are always needed and appreciated.
On behalf of the rescue and our wonderful horses, I thank you for your support.